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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy 5 Years to my Wife...

by the time I can get blogger to work, it will be tomorrow, ....... Happy Anniversary to my Wife, its been a wonderful 5 years, I have worked several jobs hmmm and even did odd jobs when we first got here, 3 years later we have a CUTE little miss K.... still have the same dog Riley (big OLD dog), have the same black cat and a new cat from 4 years ago.... guess you can say tucker was our new dog but we gave him to grammie..... we have lived in only 2 places, first one was great but the landlord was a crazy old hag, new landlord is just an old lady....... we are still broke all the time but we have moved ahead by getting a newer set of funiture and a bigger TV...

So again its been a HAPPY 5 YEARS... I remember it like it was yesterday, being all dress upped and being so scared standing at the park in Anatone but then everything was great when we finally got to the oregon coast (honeymoon), I wanted to get back over there by 5 years but it will have to wait another 5 years LOL.... well the wife is working out on her blog right now getting a bit upset, I was earlier because I could not get into blogger, Anyway 5 years people, send lots of gifts, mostly money if you can't decide... LOL
"You can't be first but you sure can be next"