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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Something to laugh about...

Here is a joke .to make you laugh, or not....

There's 2 muffins in the oven and one of them says to the other "damn it sure is hot in here" the other muffin says " Oh My God, a talking muffin " .....

Well did you laugh? okay this next one should get you to at least smile

There are 2 co-workers on break and one says to the other " My 10 year old son got his teacher pregnant " other co-worker says " No way man, you got to be kidding me" 1st co-worker says "No, really he got his teacher pregnant" other co-worker says " WTF C'mon it's not possible, how could he get her pregnant?" 1st co-worker says " my son admitted to poking holes in my condoms "

Okay did you smile hehehe well okay but this is just some stuff I heard and made me think...


1funmommy said...

OK, the 2nd one was pretty funny!

MrsD said...

NOTE: He also ate the taco shells with cheese melted over them. ;)

"You can't be first but you sure can be next"