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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Daughter pee's like a boy...!

Okay hehehe now the title sounds strange but so is this tidbit, after dinner the wife was getting baby K's bath ready and the little one was runnin around in her diaper, then next I noticed she had no diaper on and was runnin around, so I assumed the wife took it off and its almost time for bath, well baby K just standing there in front of the bathroom lookin in at the bath and mommy well her hand was wet and she started shakin it and I looked at her and the carpet was wet in a puddle in front of her, hehehehe OMG..

Anyway she then looked at me and I can see it all down her legs, poor baby hehehehe so the wife says go put her on her potty chair, okay so I did and she sat there but all was out so we just sat there and I told her this is where you potty, over and over I said it hehehehe well while they are in the bathroom and baby K is soaking in the tub, I had a bright Idea, I put carpet fresh down to soak it up and then I would vacuum up the mess, uhhhhhh it turned into concrete and was like a solid mass of grey matter on the carpet, vacuum did nothing, well we had a steam vac in the garage that did not sell at a garage sale so I got on my hands and knees and got the carpet wet, hehehe no I did not stand there and pee , and no I did not squat like a girl and pee either, geee get it out of your head...

I scrubbed and scrubbed and got it all wet and scrubbed and finally got it all cleaned up and the carpet is now all clean hehehehehe okay I never thought my daughter was going to stand there and pee on the carpet or that carpet fresh turns into concrete when it gets wet and dries. Well she has no clue yet to sit down so we are gonna start her off on some pull ups to get her to learn about where and when and how to potty, most of the time now she holds it and holds it and then in the middle of the night she fills up her diaper and its like 20 pounds when you change it, so next time lets hope I am not standing in front hehehehe luckily I was behind and back like 3 steps but when I saw the puddle and her shakin her hand I almost started to laugh but that would not of been good either.... well my daughter pee's like a boy... LOL
"You can't be first but you sure can be next"