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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lots of Idaho Links to Review.....

Idaho's childcare worst in country

ID animal cruelty laws rated among worst...
The Associated Press
Edition Date: 12/17/08
BOISE, Idaho —
An animal protection group has ranked Idaho as one of the five worst states in the nation for laws against cruelty. The Animal Legal Defense Fund examined the animal cruelty statutes in every state and territory. The group looked at how comprehensive the laws are and how severe penalties are for people convicted of cruelty. Idaho, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi and North Dakota were named the five worst states. Illinois was ranked first on the list, with Maine, California, Michigan and Oregon rounding out the top five.

Also dogfighting link here

Idaho "Worst State" for Dogfighting Laws: HSUS

Idaho Quarter Rated Worst In Nation

Idaho Public Health Data

Poverty Rates in Idaho
All Over the State, People are Going to Bed Hungry

Idaho is one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to the adult public mental healthcare system

good reading found in this annual report below

another good read if you like to know....
Children's Defense Fund Action Council Scorecard Ranks Lawmakers on How Well They Protect Children

okay the wife was on the phone with the GirlFriend so I must go answer a post comment and so for now you got lots to read about Idaho.

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