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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

its okay, something to laugh at...

Guess the shock is still in me, I feel like crying all the time and the wife seems to be the most upset by all this, I got not much to say about how they handled the layoff but now more is getting cut here in Lewiston.

Well just heard uhhhh read anyway on the web its not just here but the whole country is going broke and layoff city has begun this new year, they said 6 million people will most likely loose their jobs and the President in charge coming up will have to deal will this problem, Hate to say it but laugh if you want, we are going to have a depression they said worse than the great drepresion, they said this year will be even greater and now I see crime will go up so more bullets will have to be made, I just might get my job back anyway, so lets hope the USA falls hard.

Already they helped thousand save their jobs by all the bailouts, for union jobs that pay 40 bucks an hour, fuck them all, never bail out, all them companies should of regrouped or failed, its there fault the ceo and management spent all the millions and now the company needs a bailout, Fuck all of them assholes, its the goverment trying to save jobs, no its the CEO laughing because he is a millionaire and just screwed uncle sam in the butt..

I also hate seeing these ads on TV, about taxes, they say you owe call us, I owed 100,000 to the IRS and they got it reduced to 4,000 ... oh so now you dumb fucks that cant do their taxes and fuck around can save, well you and me have to pay the tax then, why are the rich fucking assholes who owe taxes getting a break, they need to pay their taxes not get a break because their rich assholes and should pay but because they are rich assholes they get to screw uncle sam in the ass again....

Wonder why this country is failing, its because the only way to get rich is to steal and take everything from the poor and that is how this country operates, either your stinking rich and your asshole is sweet smelling and you never have to pay taxes or your fuckin on welfare licking ass trying to make a living and you lips are so raw from sucking so hard but your so broke you can't get no relief from the government, only the rich get a break, poor bastards like ushave to die so they can get more rich..

Anyway its something to laugh at when you see them commercials, write down there address and send them a letter saying it's there fault the econimy is failing because nobody is paying there fair share in taxes, nobody but the poor who get no reilef, notice it says if you owe more than 50grand in back taxes call us , fucking assholes because they get paid so you dont have to pay the governemet......is that right???? nope I think not so start laughing because now every big company is filing for tax relief and will be layoff city soon , why can't the CEO just fucking admit 2 million a year is alot of salary and maybe thats why the company has not profit and can't pay taxes or decent wages.. My god its not rocket Science, its called raping the poor...

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