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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Stupid webpage ads.....

Things that annoy me are when you use google to find a list of websites from a search and then when you go to one of these pages for info or research and they have all these google ads and amazon and yahoo ads that load and they get like 1 penny for every thousand views of these ads...

I went to a page and it will start to load and then it just sits, waiting for a response from these ad manager servers, which they all are being hit hard and you have to wait for a response or the page wont load, why Internet Explorer just wont load the page and where ever the ad is just display a broken image, I have it all set that if it times out to do such but it don't...

You click on the x and it just sits I had to actually shut my computer off because even the task manager would not shut off the explorer window, it just jammed up with so many ads trying to load what the fuck, these websites are really fucking stupid because I never did get to go to the site much less will never go back, I blacklist sites that don't load so it will never try to load their page ever again....

Another page I should create, a blog about blacklisted sites for being fucking stupid, yeah I will create a new blog and tell in the blog that these sites are really fucking stupid and list the sites name and the link that wont load or takes more than 30 seconds to jammed up you PC.... then people will get my link for the blog in google as well as the fucking stupid people site and then maybe someone will see these really fucking stupid dumb ass shit people who are trying to make money for traffic on these sites but yet nobody can get to them...

Now you see these fucking dumb asshole lame bitches need this so I will now guess create a blog about Stupid Dumb Asses and their websites that are nothing but a pile of SHIT.... okay now I got that out of my head, I plan on this tooo... read on hehehehehe

Okay plan is to get a free webspace or a free blog and even clone this idea on several, but I will go and get signed up with all these places for paid ads like everyone else and place them all over the pages and then for key words to place everywhere I will go to places I found on the web that have lists of keywords and stuff, kinda like lists and lists of words all from dictionaries, and then just post all these in the blogs and pages and keep it going to I have hundreds of pages of these word lists, this way if your searching for something I have that word or words on my page and google will find my page and you can click on it...

This way I can get paid to have these ads and virtually everyone will search and find my cloned blogs and free sites and get bombarded with these ads, I need the money and you all need to expierence this bog down shit I get all the time from real websites, I plan to be an ass about this, its my purpose now to build hundreds of cloned spaces on the web, I found a link that shows a list of about 100 free webspace sites, hehehehe I also know there are about 60 blog spaces I can sign up for, all will be all the same site, or cloned with just millions of keywords the search engines will find.... piss me off mother fuckers, I can't view you site and now nobody will because I will bump you to the back of the line, my 300 sites will be first found in google bitches...

The web is supposed to be the information highway, well now I am gonna dump a truckload of shit on every major roadway in between heaven and hell and its all free to just dump fucking shit everywhere and maybe if these ads load I can get paid for being a really fucking stupid asshole like I am.... so now you pissed me off and now its time to shit all over you and the web..... so first build the pages on my pc , get signed up with ads services first then build pages hehehehe, then sign up and start my cloning everywhere I can get free space, give it to me bitches, give me you soul cuz I am taking you to my hell..........

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