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"The only good thing about winning is your first next to losing"

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I feel so sick, too much too fast, I can't believe its not butter... I am so stressed about everything, no job, have to go to the foodbank, spend WIC check for Baby K to have milk and cereal, I am so stressed about my hair cut, see photo below

As you can't really see the damages hehehehe D has a better picture of how short, short really is... I been so stressed out I think I got a disease but D says its just HIVES, wtf is that, I got these bumps that itch all over my body and its just driving me fuckin crazy...

I think someone needs to just take me out, yeah just take me out, and leave me there hehehe I been applying for work everywhere and been hitting up every resource I can find and its just not there...

And what pisses me off the most, I have called and left messages with several people, no one ever calls me back, all these apps and not one words from anyone after I hear ohh we will call, yeah fuck you and put your phone up your ass.....F,n bitch...

So all I can do is just pace the floor and I feel so sick I am not sure if I should shit or puke or do both at the same time to just get over it hehehe anyway not much else to say but GOD DAMN IT ........ WTF just put me out...

OKAY, whew I feel better now ohhh I see the girlfriend posted hehehe ohhh no better go check it out.... and no have no pubic problems funny girl.....


Bfun1 said...

i like the cut! ohhh and your itchy bumps.....pubic lice gone wild! the system was made to help people in your situation...not the people who make it a lifetime career to live off the system!

MrsD said...

Bfun must not have cleaned her pole and now MY husband has lice. lmao

1funmommy said...

I like the cut! I think it makes you look younger! We are stressed too. Hang in there. It might take awhile but something will come along.

"You can't be first but you sure can be next"